Quit smoking savings calculator
Calculate how much you save per year once you quit smoking*
Max 80
Max 40
Annual Saving
$ 0.00
$ 0.00 In the first week
$ 0.00 In the first month
$ 0.00 In 6 months
$ 0.00 In the first year
$ 0.00 In 5 years
*Saving does not include the cost of Nicorette products
Every cigarette you don’t smoke means more money in your pocket. Our smoking calculator gives you a good idea of how much that could be – from one week in to a whole year after you’ve quit for good. The price of one cigarette may not seem much, but it soon adds up – whether you smoke 5, 10, 15, 20 or more a day. And if you’ve been smoking for a few years the costs (and more importantly savings) might surprise you! Check out our handy smoking cost calculator chart to see how much you could save.
How much does smoking cost?
The cost of smoking cigarettes continues to rise every year. While the cost of cigarettes depends on your smoking habits, you could save a significant amount of money in one year if you quit.
The money you spend cigarettes depends on your smoking habits:
• What you smoke (cigarettes, rolling tobacco, cigars);
• How much you smoke per day/week;
• Your favourite brand;
• Essential extras (rolling paper, filters and lighters).
Smokers spend more now than they ever have, with no sign of the costs falling at any point in the future. It’s another great incentive to give up right now!
How much money can you save by quitting smoking?
The good news is that as soon as you decide to stop smoking, you should start seeing the savings roll in. Our quit smoking calculator provides a good idea of what you could save each week, month and year.
Although you’ll spend money on NRT products to support your quit journey, in the end it should work out a lot cheaper than smoking. And once you’re smoke-free you won’t spend a penny on anything smoking related!
It won’t be long before you notice that extra money in your wallet, bank account or jar above the fridge. Literally seeing these savings stack up can be great motivation to help you stay on track and meet your smoke-free goals.
You could save up to $7,000 a year if you quit with help from fast-acting Nicorette gum*#
How will you use the money you’ve saved by quitting smoking?
You can use the money you save by quitting smoking for whatever you like. However much you used to smoke, you could be saving hundreds of dollars within the first few months.
You could spend this extra cash on:
• A family holiday abroad;
• Upgrading to a newer or bigger car;
• Making home improvements;
• Getting a pet;
• Your passion – whether it’s sport, music, art or something else.
Setting savings targets is a great way to stay motivated and keep on track. You might be amazed by how soon you reach your financial goal after quitting smoking.
Begin your journey to a smoke-free future with Nicorette
Our range of Nicorette products support you along your quit smoking journey. Each one harnesses the power of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) to help you stop for good. They help reduce your nicotine cravings over time, by providing you with lower levels of nicotine than is found in cigarettes to help satisfy your nicotine withdrawal symptoms. This can reduce any challenging withdrawal symptoms you experience along the way. Combining patches with one or more fast-acting Nicotine Replacement Therapy product such as Nicorette Quickmist Mouthspray can often be a very effective route to stop smoking success – that’s good news for both your health and your wallet. So get started on your journey to a smoke-free future today by finding the right Nicorette product for you.
*4mg gum
#Estimate based on average daily cigarette consumption (ABS 2022) and Smokefree 2024.